What is the modern definition of POWER?
Have your say about your experiences and the future.
Get the last spots for the Powernator art project – listen to Molly’s explanations and watch the video:
Become part of an art project
in a creative way.
Inspire through positive stories about the opposite gender. Get photographed by Molly Marina and share your power story.

Time commitment for participants is a maximum of two hours plus travel time in the greater Copenhagen area.

Step 1:
Professional portrait photo session* with posing support in the studio with Molly Marina and make-up artist. Samples below

Step 2:
Participant receives one free edited official portrait and can select more favorites from approx 40 shots in online gallery.

Step 3:
Participant writes content for own profile and a Power story about the opposite gender.

Step 4:
Participant's picture and content are embedded in Powernator and website for exhibition.

Step 5:
Greet-and-meet reception with all Powernator participants.
*You will receive full commercial usage rights for your official photo taken by Molly Marina – e.g., for your LinkedIn profile, your website, etc. Photo sessions primarily take place in Copenhagen. For groups of 5 or more, photography appointments at your location are possible by arrangement. In special cases and after consultation, the artist may work with images provided by you.
Molly Marina, a creative visionary from Copenhagen who merged sociology and culture, founded and develops the socio-art movement. Her work is a mirror of society, reflecting social issues and cultural dialog. In her work, she combines psychology, artificial intelligence, photography and social interaction with physical installations, creating a new art form.
Don’t want to show your face in the project, but still want to support the initiative? Talk to Molly about a sponsorship or donate to the project – Power People Project has an official donation approval from the Danish Ministry of Justice:
Civilstyrelsen J.nr. 24-700-07935
Send your donation directly with MobilePay to #120880. For bank transfer use – reg. no.: 3409 account no.: 13655901 IBAN: DK5630000013655901, reference “Powernator”
References and project supporters:

Listen to Molly Marina's project explanation - Turn on sound
Sample photos from two Powernator photoshoots: